Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lyrical Reinforcement

I started a year through the Bible this last November, only I am not reading it.  Instead, Monday-Friday as I travel to work I listen to it on my phone.  I just finished Psalms, and I started Proverbs today.  A little more than halfway through my reading plan (by the way, Sheri finished in 90 days around Christmas).  That being the case, this morning when I was done with listening, I heard a piece of a lyric on Air1 that caught my mind.  It mostly caught my mind as being very true, and also that is was not part of a repeating chorus in the song.  It also reinforced what we are going through right now.

As we wait, often the word "fair" comes up in conversation, emails and thoughts.  Sheri often has reminded me that Rwanda has not promised us anything, and there is never any guarantee.  The lyric was, "But the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair."  That lyric stuck with me most of the morning, and it provided the impetus for me to not feel sorry for myself today.  I also bumped that up against what my friend from high school called a "first world problem" today:  internet being out, not eating out for lunch, computer not working, water not hot enough, etc.  These are the things that remind me that we have it pretty nice in our part of the world.  It may not be fair even in that sense, and likely we Americans would not like it if it was.

I am sure that all of you have some sort of music, reading, verse or other nugget that keeps you going when things are out of focus.  

What is your favorite way to be grounded or rejuvenated?


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