Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We had a great time last night. The kids loved their costumes, they loved getting candy and stopping to eat dinner in the warm indoors. It wasn't very cold really, just some wind sometimes. They didn't let things slow down enough to get chilly anyway. The big kids RAN from door to door while we pushed Isaac in the stroller behind them. Isaac didn't really know what to think but did watch all the many kids in costumes going by. I'm not even sure he really appreciated the candy, he only ate a couple m&m's and was done, crazy, I am sure it was the fatigue of last night, he will be all over that candy soon!

Jacob-Plo Koon (Jedi Master), Camryn-Padme Amidala (while she was Senator), Bailey-Ahsoka Tano (Jedi Padawan), Isaac-Yoda (Grand Master)

Happy Halloween!


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